Saturday, August 16, 2014

New Video!

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New video is up!

Feel free to like, comment, and subscribe! Also, please look on my channel for a Minecraft video!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

After much running around today I've decied it is best to order my wig online. So I did that. Now I'm super excited and can't wait for my long wig to get here!

My dwarrowdam cosplay is starting to come together one little bit at a time!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

To my viewers (all three of you) I have made a video on the youtubes.

So go here, please!

Thank you very much!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

What's the Appeal?

This one will be a little short, but I just want to know.

What's the appeal of girls drawing original characters or fan art of male characters with a wrapped condom hanging out their mouths? You can break that shit some day. I don't understand the fan service.

Nothing says sexy like unplanned pregnancy.

I'm not shaming, because sexy animated young men. But I find it odd. Is this a fetish thing?

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Cosplay Ideas. Also, Dwarves or Satyrs?

Since I am a huge Hobbit nerd, I know what my next cosplay will be. I was actually thinking about doing two cosplays, but I shenanigan around and I don't think I'll have the time or money to do both. But for the cosplay I absolutely want to finish, I want to be a dwarf.

I won't be doing a character specifically, but I'll be one of the dwarf ladies that can be seen in the background. Preferably eating cake and not being set on fire by a dragon, no matter how sexy the voice of the dragon is, fire is bad.

Hopefully I can go all out with the dress, which has a fairly simple design, and get slightly pointed ears. I don't want them too pointy, but I also just don't want to have huge ears. I did some concept studies on Tolkien's dwarves and they have bigger than normal ears. I'm not entirely sure if I will do ears yet.

I've got the design for my dress down. I can't draw clothing in detail, so I actually went into a popular Hobbit scene maker and made the dress with that. I feel like posting it, so excuse the laziness of my nonexistence art skills. 

Now the second cosplay would be Lynette from Soul Calibur III. I'd make the skirt of her dress a little longer, but I'd still make I poof. My only concern besides time and money is the length.

Cosplay on a budget is easy. Cosplay on a super tight budget is not.

On another note, my boyfriend and I have been having a play argument. So why don't you guys help me settle this? Tell me, would you rather be a dwarf or a satyr?

My dwarf  dress reference can be seen below. The game belongs to Azalea. I suggest you check out her DeviantArt.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Anime, Cosplayers, and Bee Bops

I had an absolute blast at OMGcon. I met a lot of wonderful people, and had lunch with some of them at a 50's-retro diner, called Bee Bops. It was amazingly amazing. The place is beautiful on the inside and out, the food is fantastic. If you're ever in Owensboro Kentucky, I very seriously suggest it.

As a rule, we try to take as many pictures of the children cosplayers we can. No pedobears here, my boyfriend and I just really love boosting the children's confidence.

We met wonderful people out smoking. We talked to a woman who gave us a cigarette for a dollar, I gave her a few more because, even tough she said one for a dollar, I felt like I was cheating her. She was 62, and everyone calls her Oma. She was wonderful!

We also hung with some of the cool cats from the Artist Alley. One, we found out, was from out home county.

I got my brother a Dragon Ball Z DVD, I got my father a pocket knife with skulls, and I spent the rest of my money on a beautiful One Ring replica.

I got lost from my boyfriend, this is the first time something like this has happened, and had a panic attack. I have sever social anxiety. A few people helped me find him.

Besides me being dumb and getting lost, the only down point, which wasn't really a down point, was our friend, Collin, knocked on our door to be let in at almost 7 AM. Besides that, I had the best time of my life.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

I've been busy packing! OMGcon is this weekend! That's only one reason I'm excited right now.

I've also won OMGcon's grand prize in the like and share contest! Which means I get a free pass to their 2015 convention! I'm all packed and ready to roll! My next post will be after the con, I'll be updating what I see, as OMGcon is in a new place! I'll explain my tales of nerdness and tell you all what I've gotten from there!